Long Teran, Upper Tinjar

People: I am not sure. Some are Kenyah migrated from Upper Baram.

According to a comment, there are 4 villages at Long Teran
Long Teran Batu: Berawan from Long Jegan?
Long Teran Kiri: Kayan
Long Teran Kanan: Kayan
Long Teran Kenyah: Kenyah from Long Jeeh?


  1. Hello, just some information on Long Teran. There are 2 Long Teran, which are Long Teran Kiri (Kiri = Left side of the river) and Long Teran Kanan (Kanan = Right side of the river). People that are living in Long Teran Kanan are Kayan and Kenyah. Meanwhile for Long Teran Kiri, there are Kayan and Berawan.

    It's a joy to read ur post ^^ i'm a kayan myself and my grandparents are living in Long Teran Kiri themselves. Thanks for your post!

  2. Just a correction, 2 longhouses at the left side of the Tinjar River and also 2 longhouses at the right side of the Tinjar River. Long Teran Batu for Berawan, Long Teran Kiri for Kayan, Long Teran Kanan for Kayan and Long Teran Kenyah for Kenyah people. These 4 longhouses have their own Ketua Kampung appointted by the Government.

  3. Long Teran, Tinjar, Baram is a great place in Baram District which potray symbol of 1Malaysia where people of different races such as Berawan, Kayan, Kenyah, Iban, Malay, Chinese and other indigenous are living together.

  4. Thanks for your information. I corrected.
    Can you tell me the history? Why and How people from different villages gathered to live here? And When? I am interested. I myself did not landed the village yet.

    1. becos ..'together we are strong'if we split apart, we dont have enough power to fight enemy (war from the past,long time ago)

  5. hye .. i also from long teran kiri (berawan) ... i very anncious to know why at there is mixed people stay... if i not mistaken... that place was belong to berawan n kayan kenyah people come to live there????

  6. Send gambar rmh panjang long teran batu boleh tk send g whatsap 0193903140

  7. Send gambar rmh panjang long teran batu boleh tk send g whatsap 0193903140
